Alcohol dependence — Alcohol dependence, as described in the DSM IV, is a psychiatric diagnosis describing a physical dependence on alcohol. For a person to meet criteria for Alcohol Dependence (303.90) within the criteria listed in the DSM IV, they must meet 3 of a… … Wikipedia
Drug and Alcohol Dependence (journal) — Drug and Alcohol Dependence … Wikipedia
Drug and Alcohol Dependence — Infobox Journal discipline = medicine abbreviation = Drug and Alcohol Depend. publisher = Elsevier country = U.S. ISSN =0376 8716 eISSN = CODEN =DADEDV history = 1975 to present website =… … Wikipedia
Alcohol abuse — Classification and external resources ICD 10 F10.1 ICD 9 305.0 MeSH … Wikipedia
Alcohol intoxication — Classification and external resources The Drunkenness of Noah by Michelangelo ICD 10 F … Wikipedia
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome — is the set of symptoms seen when an individual reduces or stops alcohol consumption after prolonged period of excessive alcohol intake. Excessive misuse of alcohol leads to tolerance, physical dependence and an alcohol withdrawal… … Wikipedia
dependence — UK [dɪˈpendəns] / US or dependency UK [dɪˈpendənsɪ] / US noun [uncountable] ** 1) a situation in which you need someone or something in order to live or succeed dependence on: our dependence on our parents the industry s dependence on coal 2) the … English dictionary
Alcohol and sex — Alcohol consumption has a number of effects on sexual intercourse and sexual behavior.[1] The effects of alcohol are a balance between its suppressive effects on sexual physiology, which will decrease sexual activity, and its suppression of… … Wikipedia
Alcohol detoxification — Alcohol detoxification, or detox , for individuals with alcohol dependence, is the abrupt cessation of alcohol intake coupled with the substitution of alcohol with cross tolerant drugs that have similar effects in order to prevent alcohol… … Wikipedia
dependence — de|pen|dence [dıˈpendəns] n also dependency [U] 1.) when you depend on the help and support of someone or something else in order to exist or be successful ≠ ↑independence dependence on/upon ▪ our dependence on oil as a source of energy ▪ the… … Dictionary of contemporary English