case-control study

case-control study
A study that compares two groups of people: those with the disease or condition under study (cases) and a very similar group of people who do not have the disease or condition (controls). Researchers study the medical and lifestyle histories of the people in each group to learn what factors may be associated with the disease or condition. For example, one group may have been exposed to a particular substance that the other was not. Also called a retrospective study.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • case-control study — atvejo ir kontrolės tyrimas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis ↑Analitinis stebėjimo tyrimas, kurio tikslas nustatyti galimas ligų priežastis, lyginant tam tikra liga sergančius (atvejai) ir nesergančius žmones (↑kontrolė).… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • case control study — comparison of a group of people with a disease or condition and a control group of people free from that disease (e.g. people diagnosed with lung cancer and people without lung cancer). The groups are compared in terms of the frequency of… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • case control study — comparison of a group of people who have a disease with another group free from that disease, in terms of variable in their backgrounds (e.g. cigarette smoking in those who have died from lung cancer and in those dying from other causes). In the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Nested case-control study — A nested case control study is a variation of a case cohort study in which only a subset of controls from the cohort are compared to the incident cases. In a case cohort study, all incident cases in the cohort are compared to a random subset of… …   Wikipedia

  • nested case-control study — a case control study nested within a cohort study: a population is identified and baseline data obtained and stored; after following the cohort for some time, a case control study is performed using the small percentage of people who develop the… …   Medical dictionary

  • nested case-control study — lizdinis atvejo ir kontrolės tyrimas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis ↑Atvejo ir kontrolės tyrimas, kurio tiriamos grupės sudaromos iš ↑kohortinio tyrimo kontingento. Taip parengus tyrimą mažinamas tam tikrų ↑iškraipančiųjų… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • case-control study — retrospective s …   Medical dictionary

  • Case-control — is a type of epidemiological study design. Case control studies are used to identify factors that may contribute to a medical condition by comparing subjects who have that condition (the cases ) with patients who do not have the condition but are …   Wikipedia

  • Изучение Случаев Заболевания Контрольное (Case Control Study) — сравнение группы людей, страдающих тем или иным заболеванием, с представителями другой группы, в которой данное заболевание отсутствует, для выявления колебаний их фона (например, влияние сигаретного дыма на тех, кто умер от рака легкого, и на… …   Медицинские термины

  • Case study — This article is about the method of doing research. For the teaching method, see Case method. For the method of teaching law, see Casebook method. A case study is an intensive analysis of an individual unit (e.g., a person, group, or event)… …   Wikipedia

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