bone mass

bone mass
A measure of the amount of calcium contained in a certain volume of bone. Calcium gives bones their strength and helps keep them from breaking. Bone density measurements may be used to diagnose osteoporosis, to see how well osteoporosis treatments are working, and to figure out how likely the bones are to break. Also called bone density, bone mineral density, and BMD.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • bone density — A measure of the amount of calcium contained in a certain volume of bone. Calcium gives bones their strength and helps keep them from breaking. Bone density measurements may be used to diagnose osteoporosis, to see how well osteoporosis… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • bone mineral density — BMD. A measure of the amount of calcium contained in a certain volume of bone. Calcium gives bones their strength and helps keep them from breaking. Bone mineral density measurements may be used to diagnose osteoporosis, to see how well… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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