- bone marrow cancer
- Cancer that forms in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow (soft sponge-like tissue in the center of most bones). Bone marrow cancer includes leukemias, multiple myeloma, and others.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
bone marrow metastasis — Cancer that has spread from the original (primary) tumor to the bone marrow … English dictionary of cancer terms
bone marrow transplantation — A procedure to replace bone marrow that has been destroyed by treatment with high doses of anticancer drugs or radiation. Transplantation may be autologous (an individual s own marrow saved before treatment), allogeneic (marrow donated by someone … English dictionary of cancer terms
bone marrow ablation — The destruction of bone marrow using radiation or drugs … English dictionary of cancer terms
bone marrow aspiration — The removal of a small sample of bone marrow (usually from the hip) through a needle for examination under a microscope … English dictionary of cancer terms
bone marrow biopsy — The removal of a sample of tissue from the bone marrow with a needle for examination under a microscope … English dictionary of cancer terms
Bone marrow — Simplified illustration of cells in bone marrow. Latin medulla ossium Code TA … Wikipedia
Bone marrow suppression — or myelotoxicity (adjective myelotoxic) or myelosuppression, is the decrease in cells responsible for providing immunity, carrying oxygen, and those responsible for normal blood clotting [1] is a serious side effect of chemotherapy and certain… … Wikipedia
bone marrow transplant — ▪ medicine Introduction the transfer of bone marrow from a healthy donor to a recipient whose own bone marrow is affected by disease. Bone marrow transplant may be used to treat aplastic anemia; sickle cell anemia; various malignant diseases of… … Universalium
autologous bone marrow — In transplantation, refers to a person s own bone marrow. Bone marrow is the soft, sponge like tissue in the center of most large bones that produces white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets … English dictionary of cancer terms
inherited bone marrow failure syndrome — IBMFS. A rare disorder in which a person’s bone marrow is unable to make enough blood cells and there is a family history of the same disorder. There are several different types of inherited bone marrow failure syndrome, and patients with one of… … English dictionary of cancer terms