vinca alkaloid — n any of several alkaloids (as vinblastine and vincristine) obtained esp. from the rosy periwinkle * * * one of a group of antimitotic drugs (see cytotoxic drug) derived from the periwinkle (Vinca rosea). Vinca alkaloids, which are usually… … Medical dictionary
Vinca-Alkaloid — Vịn|ca Al|ka|lo|id [nlat. Vinca rosea oder Catharanthus roseus = eine Immergrünart (Bot.)]; Syn.: Catharanthus Alkaloid: Sammelbez. für monomere u. dimere polycycl. Indol Alkaloide, von denen etliche wegen ihrer mitosehemmenden Wirkung als… … Universal-Lexikon
vinca alkaloid — one of a group of antimitotic drugs (see also cytotoxic drug) derived from the periwinkle (Vinca rosea). Vinca alkaloids are used especially to treat leukaemias and lymphomas; they include vinblastine (Velbe), vincristine (Oncovin), and vindesine … The new mediacal dictionary
Алкалоид Барвинка (Vinca Alkaloid) — представитель группы антимитотических лекарственных веществ (см. Цитотоксический лекарственный препарат), получаемых из барвинка (вида Vinca rosca). К алкалоидам барвинка, которые особенно широко применяются для лечения лейкемий и лимфом,… … Медицинские термины
Vinca major — Hierba doncella Hierba doncella … Wikipedia Español
Vinca minor — plant Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
alkaloid — /al keuh loyd /, Biochem., Chem., Pharm. n. 1. any of a large class of organic, nitrogen containing ring compounds of vegetable origin and sometimes synthesized, some of which are liquid but most of which are solid, that have a bitter taste, that … Universalium
Vinca rosea — Rosafarbene Catharanthe Rosafarbene Catharanthe (Catharanthus roseus) Systematik Unterklasse: Asternähnliche (Asteridae) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alkaloid — This article is about the chemical compounds alkaloids. For the pharmaceutical company in the Republic of Macedonia see Alkaloid (company).Alkaloids are naturally occurring chemical compounds containing basic nitrogen atoms.… … Wikipedia
Alkaloid, vinca — A medication in a class of anticancer drugs that inhibit cancer cell growth by stopping cell division (mitosis). The vinca alkaloids are also called antimitotic or antimicrotubule agents, or mitotic inhibitors. They include vinblastine,… … Medical dictionary