vaccine adjuvant

vaccine adjuvant
A substance added to a vaccine to improve the immune response so that less vaccine is needed.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • Adjuvant — An adjuvant (from Latin, adiuvare: to aid) is a pharmacological or immunological agent that modifies the effect of other agents, such as a drug or vaccine, while having few if any direct effects when given by itself. They are often included in… …   Wikipedia

  • Vaccine — For other uses, see Vaccine (disambiguation). A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease causing microorganism, and is often made from… …   Wikipedia

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  • Vaccine trial — A vaccine trial is a clinical trial that aims at establishing the safety and efficacy of a vaccine prior to it being licensed.MethodologyA basic vaccine trial might involve forming two groups from a random sample of the target population. One… …   Wikipedia

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  • Adjuvant immunologique — Dans le domaine médical et vétérinaire, un adjuvant[1] immunologique (appelé aussi adjuvant vaccinal, immunoactivateur, immunoadjuvant, immunopotentialisateur, immunostimulant) ou immunomodulateur (ce terme est plus précis que celui d adjuvant… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Vaccine controversy — A vaccine controversy is a dispute over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, or safety of vaccination. Medical opinion is that the benefits of preventing suffering and death from infectious diseases greatly outweigh the risks of adverse effects… …   Wikipedia

  • Adjuvant — The Latin “adjuvans” means to help, particularly to reach a goal. Adjuvant therapy for cancer is surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiation to help decrease the risk of the cancer recurring (coming back). An adjuvant is a substance that helps… …   Medical dictionary

  • adjuvant — I. adjective Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin adjuvant , adjuvans, present participle of adjuvare to aid more at aid Date: 1574 1. serving to aid or contribute ; auxiliary 2. assisting in the prevention, amelioration, or cure of… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • adjuvant — material added to a vaccine to enhance the immunological response …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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