third molar

third molar
The last tooth to come in at the back of each side of the upper and lower jaws. Third molars usually come in between 17 and 23 years of age, but not everyone has them. Also called wisdom tooth.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • third molar — see under tooth …   Medical dictionary

  • Mandibular third molar — Teeth toothpicture= text=Mandibular third molars of permanent teeth marked in red. There are no third molars in primary teeth. The mandibular third molar, commonly known as a wisdom tooth, is the tooth located distally (away from the midline of… …   Wikipedia

  • Maxillary third molar — Teeth toothpicture= text=Maxillary third molars of permanent teeth marked in red. There are no third molars in primary teeth. The maxillary third molar, commonly known as a wisdom tooth, is the tooth located laterally (away from the midline of… …   Wikipedia

  • Molar (tooth) — Molars A lower wisdom tooth after extraction …   Wikipedia

  • molar — n. 1) to cut a molar 2) an impacted molar 3) a first; second; third molar * * * [ məʊlə] second third molar a first an impacted molar to cut a molar …   Combinatory dictionary

  • molar tooth third — the tooth most distal to the medial line on either side in each jaw, so called because it is the last of the permanent dentition to erupt, usually at the age of 17 to 21 years. Called also wisdom t., third molar, dens molaris tertius [TA], and… …   Medical dictionary

  • Molar — In dentistry, a molar is one of the posterior teeth well adapted to grinding, in keeping with its origin from the Latin mola meaning millstone. * * * 1. Denoting a grinding, abrading, or wearing away. [L. molaris, relating to a mill, millstone] 2 …   Medical dictionary

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  • molar teeth — the most posterior teeth on either side in each jaw, totaling 8 in the deciduous dentition (2 on each side, upper and lower), and usually 12 in the permanent dentition (3 on each side, upper and lower). They are the grinding teeth, having large… …   Medical dictionary

  • Mandibular first molar — Mandibular first molars of permanent and primary teeth marked in red. The mandibular first molar or six year molar is the tooth located distally (away from the midline of the face) from both the mandibular second premolars of the mouth but mesial …   Wikipedia

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