
The upper part of the larynx (voice box), including the epiglottis; the area above the vocal cords.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • Supraglottis — The upper part of the larynx, including the epiglottis; the area above the vocal cords. * * * n. that part of the larynx that lies above the vocal folds and includes the epiglottis. * * * su·pra·glot·tis (soo″prə glotґis) the area of… …   Medical dictionary

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  • stage II laryngeal cancer — Cancer that is found in the larynx. The exact definition of stage II depends on where the cancer started. If it started in the supraglottis, then cancer is in more than one area of the supraglottis or glottis or region near the supraglottis. If… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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  • Larynx — For the remotely piloted vehicle, see Larynx (unmanned aircraft). Larynx Anatomy of the larynx, anterolateral view …   Wikipedia

  • Laryngeal cancer — may also be called cancer of the larynx or laryngeal carcinoma. Most laryngeal cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, reflecting their origin from the squamous cells which form the majority of the laryngeal epithelium. Cancer can develop in any… …   Wikipedia

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  • supraglottic — Above the glottis. * * * su·pra·glot·tic glät ik also su·pra·glot·tal glät əl adj situated or occurring above the glottis <supraglottic cancers> * * * su·pra·glot·tic (soo″prə glotґik) superior to the glottis. 2. pertaining to… …   Medical dictionary

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