- silicone
- A synthetic gel that is used as an outer coating on breast implants and as the inside filling of some implants.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
silicone — [ silikon ] n. f. • 1906; autre sens 1874; de silicium ♦ Nom générique des dérivés du silicium renfermant des atomes d oxygène et des groupements organiques, et se présentant sous forme d huiles, de résines et d élastomères. Huiles de silicones,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
silicone — coined 1863 in German from silico , comb. form indicating the presence of SILICON (Cf. silicon), + ONE (Cf. one) … Etymology dictionary
silicone — s. f. Nome genérico de substâncias análogas aos corpos orgânicos, em que o silício substitui o carbono … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
silicone — ► NOUN ▪ a durable synthetic resin with a structure based on chains of silicon and oxygen atoms with organic side chains … English terms dictionary
silicone — [sil′ikōn΄] n. [ SILIC(O) + ONE] any of a group of polymerized, organic silicon compounds containing a basic structure of alternate oxygen and silicon atoms, usually with various organic groups attached to the chain: characterized by relatively… … English World dictionary
Silicone — Not to be confused with the metalloid chemical element Silicon. Silicone caulk can be used as a basic sealant against water and air penetration. Silicones are inert, synthetic compounds with a variety of forms and uses. Typically heat resistant… … Wikipedia
Silicone — Les silicones, ou polysiloxanes, sont des composés inorganiques formés d une chaine silicium oxygène (... Si O Si O Si O ...) sur laquelle des groupes se fixent, sur les atomes de silicium. Certains groupes organiques peuvent être utilisés pour… … Wikipédia en Français
silicone — /sil i kohn /, n. Chem. any of a number of polymers containing alternate silicon and oxygen atoms, as ( Si O Si O )n, whose properties are determined by the organic groups attached to the silicon atoms, and that are fluid, resinous, rubbery,… … Universalium
Silicone — I Silicone [zu Silicium], Singular Silicon das, s, Silikone, Polymere und Oligomere, die sich aus Silicium Sauerstoff Ketten mit organischen Resten an den Siliciumatomen aufbauen … Universal-Lexikon
silicone — polisiloksanas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. silicone; silicone compound vok. Silikon, n; Silikonverbindung, f rus. кремнийорганическое соединение, n; силикон, m pranc. composition silicone, f; silicone, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
silicone — [[t]sɪ̱lɪkoʊn[/t]] N UNCOUNT: usu N n Silicone is a tough artificial substance made from silicon, which is used to make polishes, and also used in cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery. ...silicone lubricants. ...women who suffered health problems … English dictionary