RFT5-dgA immunotoxin

RFT5-dgA immunotoxin
A monoclonal antibody linked to a toxic substance. It is being studied in the treatment of melanoma that has spread to distant parts of the body. RFT5-dgA immunotoxin is made in the laboratory. It can find and kill certain white blood cells that prevent the immune system from killing cancer cells. Also called IgG-RFT5-dgA.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • IgG-RFT5-dgA — A monoclonal antibody linked to a toxic substance. It is being studied in the treatment of melanoma that has spread to distant parts of the body. IgG RFT5 dgA is made in the laboratory. It can find and kill certain white blood cells that prevent… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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