Polycythemia vera — Primary polycythemia, often called polycythemia vera (PCV), polycythemia rubra vera (PRV), or erythremia, occurs when excess red blood cells are produced as a result of an abnormality of the bone marrow. Often, excess non lymphoid white blood… … Wikipedia
polycythemia vera — polycythemia ve·ra vir ə n chronic polycythemia that is a myeloproliferative disorder of unknown cause characterized by an increase in total blood volume and viscosity and typically accompanied by nosebleed, headache, dizziness, weakness, itchy… … Medical dictionary
polycythemia vera — noun Etymology: New Latin, true polycythemia Date: circa 1925 polycythemia of unknown cause that is characterized by increase in total blood volume and accompanied by nosebleed, distension of the circulatory vessels, and enlargement of the spleen … New Collegiate Dictionary
polycythemia vera — n. erythremia, polycythemia characterized by overproduction of red blood cells as a result of bone marrow disease (accompanied by nosebleed, swelling of the circulatory vessels and enlargement of the spleen) … English contemporary dictionary
polycythemia vera — noun see polycythemia 2 … Useful english dictionary
Polycythemia — Classification and external resources Packed cell volume diagram. ICD 10 D … Wikipedia
polycythemia — [päl΄i sī thē′mē ə] n. 〚 POLY + CYT(O) + HEMIA〛 an abnormal increase in the number and concentration of circulating red blood corpuscles * * * pol·y·cy·the·mi·a (pŏl ē sī thēʹmē ə) n. A condition marked by an abnormally large number … Universalium
Polycythemia — The presence of too many red blood cells. Polycythemia formally exists when the hemoglobin, red blood cell (RBC) count and total RBC volume are both above normal. For example, the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood (hematocrit) in… … Medical dictionary
polycythemia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from poly + cyt + hemia Date: circa 1857 a condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells; specifically polycythemia vera • polycythemic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary