peripheral blood

peripheral blood
Blood circulating throughout the body.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • Peripheral blood cell — Peripheral blood cells are the cellular components of blood, consisting of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, which are found within the circulating pool of blood and not sequestered within the lymphatic system, spleen, liver, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes — (PBL) are mature lymphocytes that circulate in the blood, rather than localising to organs (such as the spleen or lymph nodes). They comprise T cells, NK cells and B cells …   Wikipedia

  • peripheral blood — blood obtained from acral areas, or from the circulation remote from the heart, as from earlobe, fingertip, or heel pad (in a child), or from the antecubital vein; the blood in the systemic circulation …   Medical dictionary

  • Peripheral blood mononuclear cell — For the internet slang term PBMC , see ProblemBetweenMonitorChair. A peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) is any blood cell having a round nucleus[1]. For example: a lymphocyte, a monocyte or a macrophage. These blood cells are a critical… …   Wikipedia

  • peripheral blood progenitor cells — (PBPC), peripheral blood stem cells stem cells found in the peripheral blood rather than the bone marrow; their numbers can be artificially increased by exposure to hematopoietic growth factors so that they can be extracted before myeloablative… …   Medical dictionary

  • Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation — A new technique in which stem cells are obtained from a patient s blood and used in bone marrow transplantation. Stem cells are small, round cells with a squat nucleus and scant surrounding cytoplasm. Although unremarkable in appearance, stem… …   Medical dictionary

  • peripheral blood smear — A procedure in which a sample of blood is viewed under a microscope to count different circulating blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc.) and see whether the cells look normal …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • peripheral blood lymphocyte therapy — A treatment for Epstein Barr virus infection or overgrowth of white blood cells (lymphocytes) after an organ or bone marrow transplant. Specific lymphocytes from a sibling donor are infused into the patient to try and reverse these conditions …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • Transplantation, peripheral blood stem cell — A new technique in which stem cells are obtained from a patient s blood and used in bone marrow transplantation. Stem cells are small, round cells with a squat nucleus and scant surrounding cytoplasm. Although unremarkable in appearance, stem… …   Medical dictionary

  • Stem cell harvest, peripheral blood — A technique for obtaining stem cells from the patient s blood for use in bone marrow transplantation. They are lured out of the bone marrow by a special regimen of drugs. The blood is then filtered through a machine, and the stem cells are… …   Medical dictionary

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