nutrition therapy

nutrition therapy
Treatment based on nutrition. It includes checking a person’s nutrition status, and giving the right foods or nutrients to treat conditions such as those caused by diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It may involve simple changes in a person’s diet, or intravenous or tube feeding. Nutrition therapy may help patients recover more quickly and spend less time in the hospital. Also called medical nutrition therapy.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • Medical nutrition therapy — (MNT) is a therapeutic approach to treating medical conditions and their associated symptoms via the use of a specifically tailored diet devised and monitored by a registered dietician. The diet is based upon the patient s medical and… …   Wikipedia

  • medical nutrition therapy — Treatment based on nutrition. It includes checking a person’s nutrition status, and giving the right foods or nutrients to treat conditions such as those caused by diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It may involve simple changes in a person’s… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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  • therapy — 1. The treatment of disease or disorder by any method. SEE ALSO: therapeutics. 2. In psychiatry, and clinical psychology, a short term for psychotherapy. SEE ALSO: psychotherapy …   Medical dictionary

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  • Clinical nutrition — is nutrition of patients in health care. Clinical in this sense refers to the manage of patients, not only outpatients at clinics, but also, and actually mainly, inpatients in hospitals. It incorporates mainly the scientific fields of nutrition… …   Wikipedia

  • American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) — The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) is an interdisciplinary organization whose members are involved in the provision of clinical nutrition therapies, including parenteral and enteral nutrition. =About ASPEN=The… …   Wikipedia

  • Institute for Optimum Nutrition — The Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) was founded by British nutritionist and author Patrick Holford in 1984. It was originally in London in the United Kingdom, but moved to Surrey in November 2005. According to its website, it is a not for… …   Wikipedia

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