
A substance that is poisonous to nerve tissue.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • neurotoxin — [noor′ō täk΄sin, nyoor′ō täk΄sin] n. a toxin that destroys nerves or nervous tissue neurotoxic adj …   English World dictionary

  • Neurotoxin — A neurotoxin is a toxin that acts specifically on nerve cells[1] (neurons), usually by interacting with membrane proteins such as ion channels. Some sources are more general, and define the effect of neurotoxins as occurring at nerve tissue.[2]… …   Wikipedia

  • Neurotoxin — Ein Nervengift oder Neurotoxin ist ein Gift, das speziell auf Nervenzellen bzw. Nervengewebe einwirkt. Es stört vor allem Membranproteine und die Wechselwirkungen in Ionenkanälen. Nervengifte werden im Tierreich meistens als Verteidigungs oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Neurotoxin — A substance that causes damage to nerves or nerve tissue. For example, lead is a neurotoxin. * * * 1. SYN: neurolysin. 2. Any toxin that acts specifically on nervous tissue. * * * neu·ro·tox·in täk sən n a poisonous protein complex that acts on… …   Medical dictionary

  • neurotoxin — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1902 a poisonous complex especially of protein that acts on the nervous system …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • neurotoxin — a nerve toxin …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • neurotoxin — (nu ro tok sin) A toxin that is poisonous to or destroys nerve tissue; especially the toxins secreted by C. tetani, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and Shigella dysenteriae …   Dictionary of microbiology

  • neurotoxin — A substance, often exquisitely toxic, that inhibits neuronal function. Neurotoxins act typically against the sodium channel (eg. TTX) or block or enhance synaptic transmission (curare, bungarotoxin) …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • neurotoxin — /noor oh tok sin, nyoor , noor oh tok , nyoor /, n. a neurotoxic substance, as rattlesnake venom or the poison of a black widow spider. [1900 05; NEURO + TOXIN] * * * …   Universalium

  • Neurotoxin — Nervengift * * * Neu|ro|to|xin 〈n. 11; Med.〉 Nervengift [<grch. neuron „Nerv“ + Toxin] * * * Neu|ro|to|xin [↑ Neur u. ↑ Toxin] svw. ↑ Nervengift. * * * Ne …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Neurotoxin — Neu|ro|to|xin 〈n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: e; Med.〉 Nervengift …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

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