- MG98
- An anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called antisense compounds. These drugs interfere with production of certain proteins in the cell.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
List of oncology-related terms — This is a list of terms related to oncology. The original source for this list was the U.S. National Cancer Institute s public domain Dictionary of Cancer Terms . NOTOC 1 * 10 propargyl 10 deazaaminopterin * 12 O tetradecanoylphorbol 13 acetate * … Wikipedia
miernas — ×miẽrnas, à (brus. мepны, l. mierny) adj. (4) K; R 1. nedidelis, vidutinis: Uodegutė mierna, vidutinė P. Miernà troba Sch248. Kad ne didelis, tai miẽrnas J. Ne per didis, miernas SD179. 2. saikingas: Ar buvau miernas valgymuose ir gėrimuose? … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language