- hydrocortisone
- A drug used to relieve the symptoms of certain hormone shortages and to suppress an immune response.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
hydrocortisone — [ idrokɔrtizɔn ] n. f. • 1959; de hydro et cortisone ♦ Biochim. Hormone corticosurrénale prescrite principalement comme médicament anti inflammatoire. ● hydrocortisone nom féminin Substance médicamenteuse destinée à suppléer à un déficit en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hydrocortisone — ☆ hydrocortisone [hī΄drəkôrt′ə sōn΄, hī΄drə kôrt′əzōn΄ ] n. the principal carbohydrate regulating corticosteroid, C21H30O5, in humans, with effects similar to cortisone … English World dictionary
hydrocortisone — cortisol cortisol n. a steroid hormone ({C21H30O5}) active in carbohydrate and protein metabolism; called also {hydrocortisone}. It is used in medicine as an antiinflammatory agent Syn: hydrocortisone. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hydrocortisone — A reduction product (at C 11) of cortisone; a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex (the active hormone secreted in the greatest quantity by the adrenals) and the most potent of the naturally occurring glucocorticoids in humans; an… … Medical dictionary
hydrocortisone — n. a pharmaceutical preparation of the steroid hormone cortisol. Hydrocortisone is used in the treatment of adrenal failure (Addison s disease), shock, and inflammatory, allergic, and rheumatic conditions (including rheumatoid arthritis, colitis … The new mediacal dictionary
Hydrocortisone — Cortisol Cortisol Représentation moléculaire du Cortisol Général No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
hydrocortisone — kortizolis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Steroidinis antinksčių žievės hormonas. atitikmenys: angl. cortisol; hydrocortisone rus. гидрокортизон; кортизол ryšiai: sinonimas – hidrokortizonas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Hydrocortisone butyrate — is a corticosteroid that comes in one of the following forms:* hydrocortisone 17 butyrate PubChem|26133 * hydrocortisone 21 butyrate PubChem|23144ee also* CortisolExternal links* … Wikipedia
Hydrocortisone buteprate — drugbox IUPAC name = [(8 S ,10 R ,11 S ,13 S ,14 S ,17 R ) 11 hydroxy 10,13 dimethyl 3 oxo 17 (2 propanoyloxy acetyl) 2,6,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16 decahydro 1 H cyclopenta [ a ] phenanthren 17 yl] butanoate CAS number = 72590 77 3 ATC prefix = D07… … Wikipedia
Hydrocortisone aceponate — drugbox IUPAC name = [(8 S ,9 S ,10 R ,11 S ,13 S ,14 S ,17 R ) 17 (2 acetyloxyacetyl) 11 hydroxy 10,13 dimethyl 3 oxo 2,6,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16 decahydro 1 H cyclopenta [ a ] phenanthren 17 yl] propanoate CAS number = 74050 20 7 ATC prefix = D07… … Wikipedia
hydrocortisone acetate — [USP] an ester of hydrocortisone, having actions and uses similar to those of the base; administered by intra articular, intralesional, or soft tissue injection, rectally, or applied topically to the skin, external acoustic canal, or conjunctiva … Medical dictionary