amyloidosis — n. 1. a disorder characterized by deposit of amyloid in organs or tissues; often secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or multiple myeloma. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amyloidosis — [am΄ə loi dō′sis, am΄ə loi dō′sis] n. pl. amyloidoses [am΄ə loi dō′sēz΄] a disorder in which amyloid (protein) accumulates in body tissue or organs … English World dictionary
amyloidosis — /am euh loy doh sis/, n., pl. amyloidoses / seez/. Pathol. 1. a deposit of amyloid in tissues or organs. 2. the diseased state resulting from this deposit. [1895 1900; AMYLOID + OSIS] * * * ▪ pathology disease characterized by the… … Universalium
Amyloidosis — MeshID = D000686 In medicine, amyloidosis refers to a variety of conditions in which amyloid proteins are abnormally deposited in organs and/or tissues, causing disease. A protein is amyloid if, due to an alteration in its secondary structure, it … Wikipedia
Amyloidosis — A disorder that results from the abnormal deposition of a particular protein, called amyloid, in various tissues of the body. Amyloid protein can be deposited in a localized area, and not be harmful, or in can cause serious changes in virtually… … Medical dictionary
amyloidosis — n. infiltration of the liver, kidneys, spleen, and other tissues with amyloid, a starchlike substance. In primary amyloidosis the disorder arises without any apparent cause; secondary amyloidosis occurs as a late complication of such chronic… … The new mediacal dictionary
Amyloidosis, hereditary — A familial (inherited) disorder in which protein deposits (amyloid) accumulate in one or more organ systems in the body. Hereditary amyloidosis is a relatively uncommon cause of amyloidosis. The more common forms of amyloidosis are primary an… … Medical dictionary
Amyloidosis, primary — A disorder of plasma cells (special white blood cells that produce antibodies), this is one of a group of diseases (called amyloidosis) in which protein deposits (amyloid) accumulate in one or more organ systems in the body. Primary amyloidosis… … Medical dictionary
Amyloidosis, secondary — One of a group of diseases (called amyloidosis) in which protein deposits (amyloid) accumulate in one or more organ systems in the body, secondary amyloid is caused by a chronic infection or inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis,… … Medical dictionary
amyloidosis — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1900 a disorder characterized by the deposition of amyloid in bodily organs and tissues … New Collegiate Dictionary