- gossypol
- An anticancer drug extracted from the cotton plant.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
gossypol — ● gossypol nom masculin (latin scientifique gossypium, coton) Pigment jaune du cotonnier, toxique pour les animaux et les humains. (Il existe maintenant des cotonniers sélectionnés sans gossypol.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
gossypol — [gäs′ə pôl, gäs′əpōl΄] n. [Ger < ModL Gossypium, genus name of cotton + ol, OL1] a toxic, phenolic pigment, C30H30O8, in cotton plants: it inhibits sperm production and is used experimentally as a male contraceptive … English World dictionary
Gossypol — Chembox new ImageFileL1 = Gossypol.png ImageSizeL1 = 200px ImageFileR1 = Gossypol (structure).png ImageSizeR1 = 220px IUPACName = 2,2′ bis (Formyl 1,6,7 trihydroxy 5 isopropyl 3 methylnaphthalene) OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo … Wikipedia
Gossypol — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Gossypol Andere Namen 2,2′ bis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gossypol — Gos|sy|pol [nlat. Gossypium = Baumwollpflanze (Bot.); ↑ Oleum] aus versch. Teilen des Baumwollstrauchs isolierbares gelbes Sesquiterpen Dimeres, das wegen seiner Hemmwirkung auf die Spermienentwicklung als Antikonzeptionsmittel für den Mann in… … Universal-Lexikon
gossypol — A toxic principle isolated from the seed of the cotton plant (Gossypium) that reduces sperm count; used in China as an oral male contraceptive. * * * gos·sy·pol gäs ə .pȯl, .pōl n a phenolic pigment C30H30O … Medical dictionary
gossypol poisoning — poisoning from eating cottonseed cake that contains a high proportion of gossypol; most often seen in pigs … Medical dictionary
gossypol — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, ultimately from Latin gossypion cotton Date: 1899 a toxic phenolic pigment C30H30O8 in cottonseed … New Collegiate Dictionary
gossypol — /gos euh pawl , pol /, n. a toxic pigment, C30H30O8, derived from cottonseed oil, made nontoxic by heating, presently under study as a potential male contraceptive and antimicrobial. [1895 1900; < NL Gossyp(ium) (see GOSSYPOSE) + OL1] * * * … Universalium
gossypol — noun Any of a class of toxic polyphenols found in the seeds of the cotton plant … Wiktionary
Gossypol — Gos|sy|pol das; s <zu lat. oleum »Öl«> in Samen u. Wurzelrinde der Baumwollpflanze enthaltene giftige Substanz, die beim Menschen die ↑Spermiogenese u. Befruchtungsfähigkeit der ↑Spermien hemmt … Das große Fremdwörterbuch