Esophageal cancer — Classification and external resources Endoscopic image of patient with esophageal adenocarcinoma seen at gastro esophageal junction. ICD 10 C … Wikipedia
esophageal cancer — ▪ pathology Introduction disease characterized by the abnormal growth of cells in the esophagus, the muscular tube connecting the oral cavity with the stomach. Most esophageal cancers develop from epithelial (epithelium) cells lining the… … Universalium
stage IV esophageal cancer — is divided into stage IVA and stage IVB, depending on where the cancer has spread. In stage IVA, cancer has spread to nearby or distant lymph nodes. In stage IVB, cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes and/or organs in other parts of the body … English dictionary of cancer terms
stage I esophageal cancer — Cancer has spread beyond the innermost layer of tissue to the next layer of tissue in the wall of the esophagus … English dictionary of cancer terms
stage III esophageal cancer — Cancer has spread to the outer wall of the esophagus and may have spread to tissues or lymph nodes near the esophagus … English dictionary of cancer terms
stage II esophageal cancer — Stage II is divided into stage IIA and stage IIB, depending on where the cancer has spread. In stage IIA, cancer has spread to the layer of esophageal muscle or to the outer wall of the esophagus. In stage IIB, cancer may have spread to any of… … English dictionary of cancer terms
esophageal cancer — noun A is malignancy of the esophagus … Wiktionary
esophageal stent — A tube placed in the esophagus to keep a blocked area open so the patient can swallow soft food and liquids. Esophageal stents are made of metal mesh, plastic, or silicone, and may be used in the treatment of esophageal cancer … English dictionary of cancer terms
Cáncer de esófago — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El cáncer de esófago es una malignidad del esófago. Existen varios subtipos, aunque la mayoría se caracterizan por la presencia de síntomas como disfagia (dificultad para deglutir o tratar), dolor, pérdida de peso,… … Wikipedia Español
Esophageal stricture — Classification and external resources Endoscopic image of a benign peptic stricture ICD 10 K … Wikipedia