- electrofulguration
- A procedure to destroy tissue (such as a tumor) using an electric current. Also called fulguration.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
electrofulguration — elec·tro·ful·gu·ra·tion (e lek″tro ful″gə raґshən) a type of electrosurgery used to produce superficial desiccation of tissue … Medical dictionary
Fulguration — Fulguration, also called electrofulguration, is a procedure to destroy tissue (such as a tumor) using an electric current. References*NCI cancer dict External links * [http://www.cancer.gov/Templates/db alpha.aspx?CdrID=46393 Fulguration] entry… … Wikipedia
colorectal cancer — Malignant tumour of the large intestine (colon) or rectum. Risk factors include age (after age 50), family history of colorectal cancer, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, benign polyps, physical inactivity, and a diet high in fat. Many of the… … Universalium
fulguration — A procedure to destroy tissue (such as a tumor) using an electric current. Also called electrofulguration … English dictionary of cancer terms