- echocardiography
- A procedure that uses ultrasonic waves directed over the chest wall to obtain a graphic record of the heart's position, motion of the walls, or internal parts such as the valves.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
Echocardiography — is a diagnostic test which uses ultrasound waves to make images of the heart chambers, valves and surrounding structures. It can measure cardiac output and is a sensitive test for inflammation around the heart (pericarditis). It can also be used… … Medical dictionary
echocardiography — [ek΄ō kär΄dē äg′rə fē] n. pl. echocardiographies a technique for examining the internal structure of the heart, using reflections from high frequency sound waves to form a picture or display (echocardiogram) echocardiographic [ek΄o car΄dē ə… … Universalium
echocardiography — [ek΄ō kär΄dē äg′rə fē] n. pl. echocardiographies a technique for examining the internal structure of the heart, using reflections from high frequency sound waves to form a picture or display (echocardiogram) echocardiographic [ek΄o car΄dē ə… … English World dictionary
Echocardiography — An echocardiogram is a sonography of the heart. Also known as a cardiac ultrasound, it uses standard ultrasound techniques to image two dimensional slices of the heart. The latest ultrasound systems now employ 3D real time imaging.In addition to… … Wikipedia
echocardiography — n. the use of ultrasound waves to investigate and display the action of the heart as it beats. Used in the diagnosis and assessment of congenital and acquired heart diseases, it is safe, painless, and reliable and reduces the need for cardiac… … The new mediacal dictionary
Echocardiography, stress — A supplement to the routine exercise cardiac stress test. During stress echocardiography, the sound waves of ultrasound are used to produce images of the heart at rest and at the peak of exercise. In a heart with normal blood supply, all segments … Medical dictionary
Echocardiography, transesophageal — A diagnostic test which is done through the esophagus and which employs ultrasound waves to make images of the heart chambers, valves and surrounding structures. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) may be used, for example, in the treatment of … Medical dictionary
echocardiography — noun (plural phies) Date: 1965 the use of ultrasound to examine the structure and functioning of the heart for abnormalities and disease • echocardiographer noun • echocardiographic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
echocardiography — noun The use of ultrasound to produce images of the heart See Also: echocardiogram, echocardiograph … Wiktionary
echocardiography — n. (Medicine) examination of the heart using ultrasound … English contemporary dictionary
echocardiography — [ˌɛkəʊkα:dɪ ɒgrəfi] noun Medicine the use of ultrasound waves to investigate the action of the heart. Derivatives echocardiogram noun echocardiograph noun echocardiographic adjective … English new terms dictionary