conditioned response — n. a behavioral response to a stimulus that has been acquired by experience or conditioning. Syn: CER, conditioned emotion. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conditioned response — noun an acquired response that is under the control of (conditional on the occurrence of) a stimulus (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑conditional reflex, ↑conditioned reflex, ↑acquired reflex, ↑conditional reaction, ↑conditioned reaction, ↑conditional response … Useful english dictionary
conditioned response — /kənˌdɪʃənd rəˈspɒns/ (say kuhn.dishuhnd ruh spons) noun Psychology an acquired response elicited by a stimulus, object or situation (conditioned stimulus) other than the stimulus to which it is the natural or normal response (unconditioned… …
conditioned response — Psychol. a response that becomes associated with a previously unrelated stimulus as a result of pairing the stimulus with another stimulus normally yielding the response. Also called conditioned reflex. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
conditioned response — a response evoked by a conditioned stimulus; one occurring to a stimulus that was incapable of evoking it before conditioning … Medical dictionary
conditioned response — noun a conditioned reflex … Wiktionary
conditioned response — When a horse is trained to a stimulus the same way every time the animal confronts that stimulus … Equestrian sports dictionary
conditioned reflex — n. a reflex in which the response (e.g., secretion of saliva in a dog) is occasioned by a secondary stimulus (e.g., the ringing of a bell) repeatedly associated with the primary stimulus (e.g., the sight of meat): also conditioned response * * * … Universalium
conditioned reflex — n. a reflex in which the response (e.g., secretion of saliva in a dog) is occasioned by a secondary stimulus (e.g., the ringing of a bell) repeatedly associated with the primary stimulus (e.g., the sight of meat): also conditioned response … English World dictionary
conditioned reflex — noun an acquired response that is under the control of (conditional on the occurrence of) a stimulus (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑conditional reflex, ↑acquired reflex, ↑conditional reaction, ↑conditioned reaction, ↑conditional response, ↑conditioned… … Useful english dictionary