retrospective study — 1. a backward looking review of the characteristics of a group of individuals in relation to morbidity, embracing some aspects of cross sectional study and/or case control study. The term is sometimes loosely used as a synonym for such studies. 2 … Medical dictionary
retrospective study — retrospektyvusis tyrimas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai atitikmenys: angl. retrospective study ryšiai: žiūrėk – atvejo ir kontrolės tyrimas žiūrėk – kohortinis tyrimas šaltinis Pagrindinės epidemiologijos sąvokos : mokomasis žodynas /… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
retrospective study — 1) a review of the characteristics of a group of individuals, some of whom have a specific disease or condition, to investigate possible causes by comparing affected and unaffected individuals in terms of past experience. See also: case control… … The new mediacal dictionary
Study design — A study design is an analytic approach to conduct an epidemiological investigation, such as a clinical trial. Types of designSome of the most popular designs are sorted below, with the ones at the top being the most powerful at reducing observer… … Wikipedia
retrospective — ret|ro|spec|tive1 [ˌretrəˈspektıv] adj [usually before noun] 1.) related to or thinking about the past ▪ a retrospective study of 110 patients 2.) BrE a law or decision that is retrospective is effective from a particular date in the past =… … Dictionary of contemporary English
retrospective — I UK [ˌretrəʊˈspektɪv] / US [ˌretroʊˈspektɪv] adjective * 1) relating to or considering things that happened in the past a retrospective study/analysis 2) a retrospective law or decision affects things that have happened since a particular date… … English dictionary
retrospective — ret|ro|spec|tive1 [ ,retrou spektıv ] adjective * 1. ) relating to or considering things that happened in the past: a retrospective study/analysis 2. ) a retrospective law or decision affects things that have happened since a particular date in… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
retrospective — [ˌretrəʊˈspektɪv] adj I relating to things that have already happened or that have already been done a retrospective study/analysis[/ex] retrospectively adv II noun [C] retrospective [ˌretrəʊˈspektɪv] an exhibition that includes examples of an… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Изучение Ретроспективное (Retrospective Study) — изучение каких либо присущих некоторой группе людей признаков, связанных с развитием у них того или иного заболевания в прошлом, включая некоторые аспекты профильного и/или контрольного изучения случаев заболевания. Данный термин иногда… … Медицинские термины
Retrospective cohort study — A retrospective cohort study, also called a historic cohort study, is a medical research study in which the medical records of groups of individuals who are alike in many ways but differ by a certain characteristic (for example, female nurses who … Wikipedia