lobéline — [ lɔbelin ] n. f. • 1855; angl. lobeline; de lobélie ♦ Pharm. Principal alcaloïde de la lobélie, utilisé comme analeptique respiratoire. ● lobéline nom féminin Alcaloïde des lobélies, stimulant du centre respiratoire. lobéline [lɔbelin] n. f.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lobeline — Lo*be line, n. (Chem.) A poisonous narcotic alkaloid extracted from the leaves of Indian tobacco ({Lobelia inflata}) as a yellow oil, having a tobaccolike taste and odor. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lobeline — [lō′bə lēn΄, lō′bəlin] n. [< ModL Lobelia (see LOBELIA) + INE3] a yellow, crystalline alkaloid, C22H27NO2, related to nicotine, used in medicine and in products that help smokers quit smoking … English World dictionary
Lobeline — Drugbox IUPAC name = 2 [6 (2 hydroxy 2 phenyl ethyl) 1 methyl 2 piperidyl] 1 phenyl ethanone width= 240 CAS number= 90 69 7 ATC prefix= ATC suffix= PubChem= 3945 DrugBank= C=22 | H=27 | N=1 | O=2 molecular weight = 337.455 smiles =… … Wikipedia
lobeline — lo·be·line lō bə .lēn n a crystalline alkaloid C22H27NO2 that is obtained from Indian tobacco (Lobelia inflata) and is used chiefly as a respiratory stimulant and as a smoking deterrent * * * lo·be·line (loґbə lēn) alpha lobeline, the… … Medical dictionary
lobeline — ˈlōbəˌlēn, lə̇n, lōˈbē noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin Lobelia + English ine : a poisonous crystalline alkaloid C22H27NO2 obtained from lobelia and used chiefly as a respiratory stimulant called also alpha lobeline … Useful english dictionary
lobeline — noun Etymology: New Latin Lobelia + English 2 ine Date: 1852 a crystalline alkaloid C22H27NO2 that is obtained from Indian tobacco and is used chiefly as a respiratory stimulant and as a smoking deterrent … New Collegiate Dictionary
lobeline — /loh beuh leen , lin/, n. Pharm. a crystalline, poisonous alkaloid, C22H27NO2, obtained by extraction from lobelia: used chiefly in the form of its sulfate or hydrochloride as a respiratory stimulant and, because of its nicotinelike… … Universalium
lobeline — noun A natural alkaloid found in various plants, mostly of the genus Lobelia, a white amorphous powder which is freely soluble in water, used as an aid to smoking cessation … Wiktionary
lobéline — (lo bé li n ) s. f. Substance âcre, trouvée dans le lobelia inflata, et qu on dit ressembler à la nicotine … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Lobeline — Provenance. Vient du patronyme Lobel Nom du botaniste qui a découvert cette plante. Se fête le 5 octobre. Histoire. Lobélie est une plante exotique dont on extrait plusieurs alcaloïdes. Sainte Fleur est l une des premières religieuses vouées au… … Dictionnaire des prénoms français, arabes et bretons