Gerota's fascia

Gerota's fascia
A fibrous envelope of tissue that surrounds the kidney. Also called renal fascia and Gerota's capsule.

English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.

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  • Gerota's capsule — A fibrous envelope of tissue that surrounds the kidney. Also called renal fascia and Gerota s fascia …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • Gerota capsule — fascia renalis …   Medical dictionary

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  • Gerota fascia — the anterior part of the renal fascia; sometimes used to denote the entire renal fascia …   Medical dictionary

  • Gerota — Dimitru, Roumanian anatomist and surgeon, 1867–1939. See G. capsule, G. fascia, G. method …   Medical dictionary

  • Renal fascia — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = fascia renalis GraySubject = 253 GrayPage = 1220 Caption = Transverse section, showing the relations of the capsule of the kidney. Caption2 = Sagittal section through posterior abdominal wall, showing the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dimitrie Gerota — Dimitrie D. Gerota (pronounced [dʒeˈrota], 17 July 1867 – 3 March 1939), Romanian anatomist, physician, radiologist, urologist, and an associated member of the Romanian Academy from 1916. Contents 1 Biography 2 Legacy 3 …   Wikipedia

  • renal fascia — A fibrous envelope of tissue that surrounds the kidney. Also called Gerota s fascia and Gerota s capsule …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • renal fascia — fascia renalis [TA] a thin membranous sheath that encloses the kidney, perirenal fat, and adrenal gland, formed by condensation of fibroareolar tissue. Some authorities distinguish between anterior renal fascia and posterior renal fascia, which… …   Medical dictionary

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