- flucytosine
- A drug that treats infections caused by fungi.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
Flucytosine — Drugbox IUPAC name = 4 amino 5 fluoropyrimidin 2(1 H ) one CAS number=2022 85 7 ATC prefix=D01 ATC suffix=AE21 ATC supplemental=ATC|J02|AX01 PubChem=3366 DrugBank=APRD00299 C = 4 | H = 4 | F = 1 | N = 3 | O = 1 molecular weight = 129.093 g/mol… … Wikipedia
flucytosine — /flooh suy teuh seen /, n. Pharm. a synthetic whitish crystalline powder, C4H4FN3O, with antifungal activity, used in the treatment of systemic and eye fungal infections caused by susceptible strains of Candida or Cryptococcus. [FLU(ORO) +… … Universalium
flucytosine — noun A synthetic antimycotic drug, a fluorinated pyrimidine analogue structurally related to the cytostatic fluorouracil and to floxuridine … Wiktionary
flucytosine — An antifungal drug. * * * flu·cy·to·sine .flü sīt ə .sēn n a white crystalline drug C4H4FN3O that can be synthesized from fluorouracil and is used to treat fungal infections esp. by members of the genera Candida and Cryptococcus (esp.… … Medical dictionary
flucytosine — n. an antifungal drug that is effective against systemic infections, including cryptococcosis and candidosis. It is administered by infusion; side effects may include nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, and blood disorders. Trade names:… … The new mediacal dictionary
flucytosine — /flooh suy teuh seen /, n. Pharm. a synthetic whitish crystalline powder, C4H4FN3O, with antifungal activity, used in the treatment of systemic and eye fungal infections caused by susceptible strains of Candida or Cryptococcus. [FLU(ORO) +… … Useful english dictionary
Флюцитозин (Flucytosine) — противогрибковое лекарственное вещество, эффективное против ряда общих инфекционных заболевании, включая криптококкоз и кандидоз. Может назначаться внутрь; возможные побочные эффекты: тошнота, рвота, понос, кожные высыпания и заболевания крови.… … Медицинские термины
5-FC — flucytosine; 5 fluorocytosine * * * flucytosine … Medical dictionary
ФЛЮЦИТОЗИН — (flucytosine) противогрибковое лекарственное вещество, эффективное против ряда общих инфекционных заболевании, включая криптококкоз и кандидоз. Может назначаться внутрь; возможные побочные эффекты: тошнота, рвота, понос, кожные высыпания и… … Толковый словарь по медицине
5-FC — • flucytosine; • 5 fluorocytosine … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations