- distant metastasis
- Refers to cancer that has spread from the original (primary) tumor to distant organs or distant lymph nodes. Also known as distant cancer.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
English dictionary of cancer terms . 2015.
distant cancer — Refers to cancer that has spread from the original (primary) tumor to distant organs or distant lymph nodes. Also known as distant metastasis … English dictionary of cancer terms
metastasis — 1. The shifting of a disease or its local manifestations, from one part of the body to another, as in mumps when the symptoms referable to the parotid gland subside and the testis becomes affected. 2. The spread of a disease process from one part … Medical dictionary
metastasis — n. the distant spread of malignant tumour from its site of origin. This occurs by three main routes: (1) through the bloodstream (haematogenous); (2) through the lymphatic system; (3) across body cavities, e.g. through the peritoneum (see… … The new mediacal dictionary
Melanoma — Classification and external resources A melanoma ICD 10 C43 … Wikipedia
Colorectal cancer — Classification and external resources Diagram of the lower gastrointestinal tract ICD 10 C … Wikipedia
AJCC staging system — The AJCC staging system is a system developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer for describing the extent of cancer in a patient’s body. The descriptions include TNM: T describes the size of the tumor and if it has invaded nearby tissue,… … Wikipedia
Prostate cancer staging — is the process by which physicians evaluate the spread of prostate cancer. This is important because in a good cancer staging system, the stage of disease helps determine prognosis and assists in selecting therapies. A combination of physical… … Wikipedia
Non-small cell lung carcinoma staging — is an important part of the assessment of patients with non small cell lung carcinoma (a type of lung cancer). These patients undergo staging as part of the process of considering prognosis and treatment. The American Joint Committee on Cancer… … Wikipedia
TNM — The TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours (TNM) is a cancer staging system that describes the extent of cancer in a patient’s body. T describes the size of the tumor and whether it has invaded nearby tissue, N describes regional lymph nodes… … Wikipedia
carcinoma — Any of various types of malignant neoplasm derived from epithelial cells, chiefly glandular (adenocarcinoma) or squamous (squamous cell c.); the most commonly occurring kind of cancer. [G. karkinoma, fr. karkinos, cancer, + oma, tumor] Like other … Medical dictionary